County Board approves four solar projects

Robert Connelly | The Register-Mail

GALESBURG — Four more solar projects were approved by the Knox County Board Wednesday night.

Two of those are planned for the 4100 block of Illinois Route 41, one is planned for Yates City near the southeastern corner of Knox County and the fourth is planned for 2500 Grand Ave. in Galesburg, outside the city limits.

All four were approved, but not unanimously. Board member Dick Conklin, R-District 1, abstained from all four votes while board members David Erickson, R-District 4, and Rick Sandoval, R-District 5, both voted no on two of the four votes.

Before the votes, resident Dale Carlson spoke against putting solar farms on land that is deemed high quality for farming.

“Proper placement of solar is already happening in Knox County,” Carlson said, citing several examples, like solar panels behind the Best Western Inn in Galesburg visible from Interstate 74.

Read the entire article at The Register-Mail.